
Everything Stems from Concepts

When you say to your child: “Get me a glass of water from the table,” in order to act, they need to understand the concepts of glass, table, water, the act of getting, and father.

  • If they fully grasp these concepts, the action happens swiftly.
  • If they lack the necessary concepts, even a simple task becomes difficult.

Concepts Determine Awareness

We define suffering as darkness because humans lack the concept of light, which is joy and peace.

Suffering will always exist unless one:

  • Understands the concept of joy and peace
  • Realizes the nature of emptiness
  • Grasps the concept of truth

Only then can the darkness of suffering fade away.

Humans Have No Real Problems, Only a Lack of Concepts

  • Why do people resent us? Because they lack the concept of gratitude.
  • Why do people harbor anger? Because they lack the concept of compassion.
  • Why are some people happy? Because they have the concept of joy.
  • Why do problems arise? Because people lack the concept of wisdom.

All Actions Stem from Concepts

Every problem in life arises from what people have a concept of—their actions and results follow accordingly.

Lack of concepts leads to a lack of information.
Without information, there is no energy.
Without energy, matter cannot manifest.

Light and Darkness

  • Without light, darkness appears.
  • Life is always in darkness until one lights up their own path.

The Core Issue

Humans inherently have no problems; they only lack concepts.
Without information and concepts, there is no belief, no energy, and thus, matter cannot manifest.

About Doan Nguyen Hiep

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