
Wisdom, in my definition, is having a truly clear perspective.

Our wisdom will be trained and developed in 3 steps:

  1. Learning: knowledge from school, from good books, youtube, sharing from seniors…
  2. Filtering: that needs to go through the filter which is the Brain. Like daily food, our body will remove waste and toxins from the body, only retaining nutrients for transformation. As for knowledge, we need to filter, absorb useful knowledge to help us develop and eliminate unnecessary, junk knowledge.
  3. Action: only action creates results, if you do, you will eat. If you do, you will convert knowledge into Wisdom, just like nutrition needs to be Digested to create energy.

Along with Wisdom is the Purity of the Brain. The mind needs to be pure for wisdom to be clear.

How to achieve Purity?

In the book Search Inside Yourself (Google’s internal training curriculum), there is a method for Purification, which is Mindfulness Meditation. A guide to brain science, a combination of Mindfulness Meditation and Emotional Intelligence.

Mindfulness meditation, focusing on breathing, gradually practicing will find purity. When meditating, focusing on breathing, the brain will stop thinking, because thinking is movement, and movement will create friction. When we stop thinking like that, we will feel relaxed and comfortable.

The more wisdom we have, the more peaceful we are. Without wisdom, we will be confused by events and changing circumstances outside. Those changes will sometimes imprison us for a long time, but when we have wisdom, we will be aware and escape easily.

About Doan Nguyen Hiep


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