
Realize that we need to learn, observe, and be aware of the truth around us.

Be aware of cause and effect, to know that only I am responsible for what has happened to me. Do not blame the situation, other people, or anything outside. That means that my current results are due to the things I have done and sown in the past. And only I can control the future results.

Realize that I can change and develop myself is not enough, I need to make an effort and be determined to change. Those are two different perceptions.

Realize that I cannot change the problems that happen to me, but I can change my reaction to them. Because there are problems, I have the opportunity to practice, instead of avoiding, crying, and being in pain because of things that do not go as planned, I should be grateful for them. Problems are my good teachers. And when things don’t go as planned, I can smile and say to myself, “Hello old friend, you’re here again, what will I learn this time?”

Life is a class, if I don’t pass the subject, I will fail the class. If I don’t learn anything in the problem, it will definitely come back to me next time.

The level of awareness is not to believe anything blindly, I need to learn and experience it myself. In Buddhism, it is written “never believe in scriptures because they have been recited, recorded, or taught by teachers. Don’t believe because it is tradition or because everyone around believes it.” Buddha taught that one should only believe after learning and realizing that it is useful and true.

Realize that anything is a combination of cause and condition (in Buddhism called conditioned existence). Because it is a combination, it will disintegrate and disappear over time. When I realize that everything will change (impermanence), my fear and desire will gradually decrease. And from there I can predict impermanence to prepare for the worst and the best that will come to me. It is a cognitive skill. This skill needs to be practiced from emotions, mind, life, work, relationships …

Everything in this life we ​​do is based on our own perception. Therefore, if the perception is based on wrong understanding (ignorance), the wrong understanding will manifest in the thoughts and actions that create our experiences.

About Doan Nguyen Hiep

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