The Formula: Bait, Story, and Proposition

Bait, story and offer: this is the foundation for selling anything on the internet

If the ad copy is not effective or the conversion rate is not high, the problem is always in the bait, story, offer.

In the article: My Traffic. mentioned traffic strategy, the first thing to do is to identify your ideal customers, your traffic, your customer portrait.

Where are they gathering and your job now is to bring the bait to them. And see if your bait attracts them or not.

What is bait? It is advertising on facebook, every post, image on facebook, instagram, every video on youtube, and every banner on websites … that is bait. And it is created to attract traffic, your ideal customers.

And to fully understand the message of the bait, please join me on facebook, youtube, any website … and watch and then ask yourself the question: Why did you stop to watch? Why did you click? Why and why ….. to help you be sensitive in creating your own bait.

What is the story? The story is what you will tell them when they click on the bait. The story helps motivate their action, helps you connect with them, build relationships with them, and thereby help them buy.

What is the offer? The offer is to motivate them to act, it is simply asking them to share the article, click like, or subscribe to the youtube channel. Not necessarily to buy. So if you find my blog valuable, please help me share by clicking the share button below.

After the bait attracts traffic, the story helps create demand, the offer will help them take action.

So if your online sales are not meeting expectations, conversions are poor or your advertising is not effective, the problem is always the bait, the story and the offer.

Always create a better bait, a better story and a better offer!

About Doan Nguyen Hiep

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