Welcome to planet Earth, my little boy!

Welcome to planet Earth, my little boy… There is nothing you cannot be, do or have. You are a great creator, and you are here because you want it so strongly and actively. You have applied the wonderful science of creative intention and it is because of your ability to do that that you are here.

Go forward, think about what you want, attract life experiences to help you decide what you want, and once you have decided, think only about it.

Much of your time will be spent gathering data – data that will help you decide what you want… Your real work is to decide what you want and then focus on it, because when you focus on what you want you attract it. That is the creative process: thinking about what you want, thinking so much and so clearly that your Inner Being becomes emotional. And when you attach thoughts to feelings, you become the most powerful magnet. This is how you attract what you want into your experience.

Many of your thoughts will not have a strong attraction at first unless you concentrate on them long enough for them to become more numerous. Because as they become more numerous, they become more powerful. And as they become more numerous and more powerful, the feelings you feel from within your Inner Being become greater.

When you have thoughts that generate feelings, you are reaching out to the power of the Universe. Go forth on this first day of your life, knowing that your job is to decide what you want – and then focus on it!

About Doan Nguyen Hiep


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