What is Traffic?
Traffic is people, and people are completely predictable.
Traffic is people who come to your website, people who come to your store, people who read your email, people who hear about your brand.
How to make more money?
From the perspective of TRAFFIC, it is bringing as much traffic to you as possible.
How many types of Traffic are there?
There are many types of Traffic
From the customer perspective: Cold, Warm, Hot. Strangers coming to your store will find it harder to buy than acquaintances. Strangers are cold, and acquaintances are hot. Acquaintances already KNOW YOU, already TRUST YOU, so the conversion rate is very high. The same goes for websites. So you need to turn strangers into acquaintances, from Cold to Hot.
What is the solution: Give them something. On the website, the simple way to give gifts is to create something that can be DOWNLOAD
Awareness perspective: That is owned traffic and non-owned traffic. Customers know you, know your brand, they find you, they see your store address, your website, they come to buy, that is the traffic you own.
to be continued
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Traffic Strategy
who: identify ideal customers, who will be your traffic
where: where are they
reach: how to reach them
spend money on advertising to reach them, and create your own traffic data
Traffic is people, they will move from place to place, from platform to platform
Predict the flow of traffic and get ahead of it